Welcome to Wryknot Games
How do you measure up?
In Tricky Dicks, victory is measured by the size of your Richard. Take turns claiming whether your Richard pic is the Longest, Shortest, Thickest, or Thinnest. The Richard that best matches the claim wins.
Any challengers? Whip out the ‘wood’ ruler and measure those Richards! It doesn’t matter what party you’re in, Tricky Dicks: The Richard Measuring Contest will fit right in!
Tricky Dicks:
The Richard Measuring Contest
Hysteria is the quick social deduction game that allows players to change teams throughout the game!
On Dia De Los Muertos, a child named Luna followed her dog Kiko through a portal into the underworld. Some inhabitants saw her hide… there?
No wait… THERE!
They gathered; looking left and right, peeking under here and there trying to capture her before the third day - trapping Luna forever!
Social Deduction, with a twist.